New Book Solves Publishing Dilemmas
If you've researched publishing a book even a little bit, you've probably found information like this:
*Traditional publishing is the only way to go. *Traditional publishing is too difficult. *POD publishing is a waste of money. *Self-publishing is the best option. *POD publishing is not self-publishing.
It doesn't take long to see that there's a lot to learn, and it's very easy to get confused as you navigate the ins and outs of the publishing world. The good news is that just like with many other aspects of life, if you have a plan things will go much more smoothly. The other good news is that making that plan doesn't have to be difficult.
Publishing Possibilities: 8 Steps to Understanding Your Options & Choosing the Best Path for Your Book by Cheryl Pickett will help you create that plan for success.
This brand-new, practical guide is filled with information as well as activities that demystify the publishing process and walk you through: *Steps that will increase your chances of success *How to sort out information so that you make good choices from the beginning *How to move forward once you've chosen your publishing path
If 2009 is the year you want to get your book to see the light of day, having this book will get you well on your way to making that dream a reality.
Publishing Possibilities: 8 Steps to Understanding Your Options & Choosing the Best Path for Your Book is available at the author's website: , through B &, Amazon and by special order at many bookstores.
Current Special Offer- Schedule a coaching session with Cheryl in February and get the book for FREE! Contact her for more information or to get started.
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