November 10th 11pm to 7pm
Download forms:
Meet local authors and other members of the literary community. Purchase local works of art, books, and discover a wealth of Detroit centered writing resources. Readers are invited to come and support the local literary community. Included will be other vendors that will appeal to the reading community.
Book Fair tables will be held by EMWC coordinators, workshop facilitators, and authors city and national wide, plus businesses as well.
Authors wanting to reserve a table, please
download registration form and check the book fair registration. This will include your lunch and also conference attendance. Regular vendors interested in receiving a table, please download the form. Please remember this is a family event.
If you are interested in putting promotional materials in our bags for our participants, please email for specific directions on how to send this material in or call
313.289.8614. Thank you.
REGISTER ONLINE NOW TO RESERVE YOUR SPACEFor $150**, you would receive a…-- 8-ft exhibitor's table,
--Two Passes to Literary Jam-- Vendoring mention in the official program -- One-year listing on Essence of Motown Literary website as a sponsor for the Weekend.(Vendors to sign up will have their listing on this main page.
Regular Literary Vendor with Full Access PassFor $180**, you would receive a…-- 8-ft exhibitor's table,
--Two Passes to Literary Jam with a display area on Nov 9th & 5 minute performance time-- Full Day Writing Workshop Pass
-- Vendoring mention in the official program booklet.-- One-year listing on Essence of Motown Literary website as a sponsor for the Weekend.(Vendors to sign up will have their listing on this main page.
Literary Partner VendorFor $200**, you would receive a... -- One 8-ft exhibitor's table,
-- One Publisher's Breakfast Ticket & Two Passes to Literary Jam with a display area on Nov 9th & 5 minute performance time-- One full page ad in the official program and in Essence of Motown Literary Journal-- One-year ad on Motown Writers Network website as a sponsor for the Weekend.-- One month feature on Motown Writers Network and an email blast (The authors to sign up will have their book on this main page